The AAF Shibboleth IdPv5 Installer automates the install of version 5 for the Shibboleth IdP on a dedicated  CentOS Stream, Rocky and REDHat versions 8 and 9, or Ubuntu v20.04 or v22.04 servers.

The installer also assists with migrations from version 4 of the Shibboleth IdP, particularly if it was installed using the earlier version if the AAF IdP V4 Installer.

The installer adheres to each step outlined in the official Installation Guide.

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”,  “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”,  “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL”  in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

For new installs and migrations from version 4, once you’re ready to get started please continue to the v5 requirements checklist.


After completing the installation of the Shibboleth v5 IdP we recommend you have your security team review the security of the installation based on your organisations security profile. The installer is provided by the AAF as a best efforts installation tool to assist with the deployment of the IdP. If you require a fully managed, secure and highly available IdP service please consider AAF Rapid IdP.

AAF Rapid IdP

Need a managed, secure and highly available cloud Identity Provider solution?

For more information about AAF's Rapid IdP solution.